Archive for the ‘Fair and Balanced’ category

Articulating Justice

May 26, 2007


Written by: David

I’ve recently blogged at about the crushingly aggressive misrepresentation of a recent study on Islam by Fox News. This study, which showed most Muslims in America to be moderate and well assimilated, got spun by the “Fair and Balanced” folk to focus on Muslims as open to suicide bombing. As a Christian who’s in an unusual position when it comes to interfaith relationships, I find myself wondering about our responsibility when we’re confronted with obvious bias against people of other faiths.

Though I can affirm unabashedly that Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and am perfectly willing to argue for the merits of the Way, I’m also well schooled enough in the world’s faith traditions to completely reject the unfounded slander of other religions that seems to pass for apologetics and evangelism in some quarters.

Jack Chick notwithstanding, Wiccans are not Satanists and Muslims are not all Wahabists, any more than every Christian is a member of Westboro Baptist church.

I think that as more Christians commit themselves to expressing God’s Kingdom of justice and equity in the world, speaking justly and fairly in our exchanges with those who have committed themselves to other faith traditions is imperative.